By Mark D. Faries, Ph.D. on Monday, 30 November 2020
Category: General

Frozen Veggies as Nutritious as Fresh Veggies?

Several research efforts have concluded that nutrients in frozen veggies are generally similar in comparable fresh veggies (and sometimes greater), perhaps due to being blanched and flash frozen after harvesting.

However, what do you think of frozen veggies?

New research suggests that your perception could be a key factor in your willingness to give frozen veggies a chance in your diet. For me, I find certain frozen veggies are quite good (e.g., corn, peas), while others I prefer the fresh variety (e.g., squash, zucchini).

Interestingly, a national study found that, on average, consumers of frozen fruits/veggies (FV) ate more total FV than did non-consumers—about 1 ‘cup equivalent’ per day—although still falling short of daily recommendations.

So, the take home message is to use your favorite combination of fresh and frozen, and eating the rainbow in a wide variety of veggies to help you reach a common recommendation of 7-13 servings of veggies and fruits PER DAY.

PS. I have been seeing some neat research on the ability of dried fruit to help people get some extra nutrients. Stay tuned.

PMID: 25526594
PMID: 28454976
PMID: 29787828
PMID: 29290348